Sunday, November 26, 2006


It's seventeen years today since I gave up smoking. Cold turkey, boom.

Having a glass of wine to celebrate.

(Just one.)


Ampersand Duck said...

Applauds! Commendable willpower. I'm an abstainer in the nicotine department too, but it's hard work.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

I lost Em's comment trying to fix a bit of this site that it somehow broke. Sorry Em! Yes, the cravings will go away eventually.

Mark Lawrence said...

congratulations! That's so bloody excellent, and I'm impressed.

I hope I stay nicotine free that long.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

T'anks, guys. Yes, Perry, the ratio of Smoking Years to Non-Smoking Years is the big issue. With both parents smokers, I started smoking myself in order to stop myself eating whole packets of biscuits while I was nervously studying for Matric Modern History (and a fat lot of good that did me, too) -- so I still have two years to go before I even up the score.

On the other hand, I've now been a nonsmoker for exactly as many years as I was a nonsmoker before I took up smoking.

I think of myself as a 'recovering smoker', even after all this time. And I know that one, just one, would be enough ...