Monday, September 03, 2007

Do you have any blondes?

Right, that's done it: I will be renewing my subscription to whenever it comes up and whatever it costs, and they won't hear a peep out of me except for the rustling of my money.

I mean, where else could you find out completely priceless stuff like this?

'Former tax office auditor and legal brothel industry lobbyist Chris Seage writes:

While many Sydney CBD businesses are crying fowl because of the APEC presence, some of Sydney's brothel barons are cock-a-hoop at the potential for big business during the forum. Brothels located outside of the city's declared and restricted zones, particularly in Surry Hills, have been fielding phone calls from overseas for the past two weeks.

The most frequently asked questions from our economic allies are:

How many entrances are there to the brothel?
Is the brothel in a discreet location?
Do I need a booking?
Does the brothel have a stringent privacy policy?
Is there discreet parking available instead of off-street?
Can the car park spots accommodate big cars?
Can a client be taken immediately to a room?
Do you have any blondes?'

So here's a question: are the taxpayers of these visitors' countries paying for their recreational needs?

And here's another question: are any of the APEC visitors women, and if so, are any of these intriguing inquiries being made on their behalf?

I don't know, I really don't. On the rare occasions when I get to go to Sydney for work, I spend the evenings either networking over a working dinner or sitting in my hotel room frantically preparing for the meeting/conference session/writers' festival panel/whatever-it-is that I have come to Sydney for. And after that I try to get the sleep I know I'm going to need in order to function properly at whatever event I'll be taking part in the following day.

But even if I had the requisite time and stamina, I'm fairly sure I wouldn't choose to spend the evening forking out fistfuls of my own or somebody else's hard-earned for the thrill of shagging expensive strangers.


Anonymous said...

"So here's a question: are the taxpayers of these visitors' countries paying for their recreational needs?"

Yes. Directly or indirectly.


Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

No. Indeed, so unsurprised am I that it was more or less a rhetorical question.

I'm obviously in the wrong business.

GS said...

Thanks - i read this when I really needed a laugh :) I'm glad some of the real Sydneysiders are reaping some rewards from APEC!

Anonymous said...

perks of the job...i'm sure a lot of them would be expecting to shag expensive strangers for free.

Anonymous said...

John Birmingham's pisstake.

meggie said...

In view of an email I recently rec'd re Rent Boys in the White House, I wonder how many asked if there are young males available?