Thursday, July 05, 2007

No time to blog properly so here are two nice victimless jokes


You know how whenever you drop a piece of buttered bread, it always lands on the floor buttered side down?

And you know how cats always land on their feet?

So if you want to make a perpetual motion machine, strap a piece of buttered bread (butter side out) to the back of a cat and then toss the cat into the air.


2) A Buddhist walks into a pizza place and says to the bloke behind the counter: 'Make me one with everything.'


And if you're not careful, I'll tell you the one about the Barnum and Bailey's big brown bear in the Beef'n'Burgers Bar.


Anonymous said...

You forgot about the lady who walked into the shop and asked the man behind the counter for a double entendre. So he gave her one.

barry said...

you forgot the second half of the pizza joke!

A Buddhist walks into a pizza place and says to the bloke behind the counter: 'Make me one with everything.'

so the bloke makes a pizza and give it to him, and take a twenty. The Buddhist waits for a moment, and says 'What about the change?'

The bloke replies 'Change comes from within!'

ashleigh said...

Oh go on, bear joke, please.