Thursday, February 01, 2007

Surely not

Clearly there are not enough choices in this 'Who Would You Be in 1400 AD' test. Vow of silence? Not enough food? Moi?

The Monk

You scored 15% Cardinal, 58% Monk, 47% Lady, and 40% Knight!
You live a peaceful, quiet life. Very little danger comes your way and you live a long time. You are wise and modest, but also stagnant. You have little comfort, little food and have taken a vow of silence. But who needs chatter when just sitting in the cloister of your abbey with The Good Book makes you perfectly content.

Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave

1 comment:

genevieve said...

Mmm. I got a Monk too, and I deliberately picked some surprising ones. Not enough subtlety in that one, I fear.