A great deal of blogospheric space gets taken up by people laboriously defining their own and others' political positions, with much huffing and puffing about what is right and what is left, but I'd like to see even the most indefatigable ideological labeller have a go at pigeonholing this bloke (as described by the New York Times senior film critic Manohla Dargis, reviewing Amazing Grace):
'Wilberforce, born in 1759, was an abolitionist for much of his adult life and helped bring about the end of the slave trade in the British Empire and then slavery itself. He was an evangelical Christian and social conservative who rallied for animal rights and against trade unions, which makes him a tough nut to crack.'
(Note also the ridiculous number of dishy men in this movie: Ioan Gruffud, Youssou N'Dour, Rufus Sewell and Ciarán Hinds. Oh, my my.)
(ahem) What an interesting film that sounds, Ms Cat.
Why, yes indeed, Ms Tog. And so full of historical interest, too.
That's a cast of goodies and I suggest tigtog that we see it in different cities because of the drool factor. Of course, PC I'll be very interested in the history as well. I might have to see it two or three times.
I find a large bucket of popcorn absorbs drool quite effectively, JahTeh.
The history is so interesting that I may well have to see it five times to cover all the nuances. Or more.
I had an alleged ancestor involved in the abolition movement, with similarly complex politics (wrote poems in favour of breast-feeding, for instance). I'd love it if he is a genuine antecedent, because he was a friend of Mary Wollstonecraft's.
And, having recently been persuaded to write an C18th century story, what interesting prose they had!
Lucy Sussex
'He’s at once pure and seductive, a dashing, romantic figure with a long black coat who talks to God while lying in his garden and keeps rabbits for pets.'
Well, of COURSE. Ioan with a mad look in his eye is downright irresistible, bunnies or no bunnies. I had no idea Wilberforce was such a spunk, did you?
Thanks for the tip off, madame Cat.
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