Saturday, August 26, 2006

... in which Pavlov's Cat visits the Kodak shop and discovers how long the film has been in the camera


ThirdCat said...

Just now on my walk, I saw a house which had a reindeer and sleigh on one of its small eaves. It looks like the kind that has fairy lights at night, but during the day you hardly notice it. I guess they just leave it there all year and only turn the lights on the weekend of the pageant or something like that. Bet I wouldn't even have seen it if I hadn't just had a quick blog-peek an hour or so before I left. Also, I saw eight bottle-brush brushes out. Excellent.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

Yes! My poor sad bottle-brush, the one that half of has broken off and, like, fallen over the neighbour's fence, has its first brush out today!

Ampersand Duck said...

Christmas 1979?

I noticed that the Bredbo Christmas warehouse is open for business at the moment. Is there no end to the Christmas season? I don't why I bother removing the decorations every year. They might as well stay up.

JahTeh said...

My English neighbour told me that if all the decorations aren't down by Twelth Night then they have to stay up all year for luck. One year she forgot to take down the table for the Christmas nibbles and she left it up and replenished the nibbles until the next Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I left a wreath on my FRONT DOOR for a whole year once. A particularly busy one.
When are you lashing out for that digital, PC?

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

Not until after the ATO tells me how much money I owe it, and I see how much is left. If any.