Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm so proud that she comes from my home town

From the ABC's online news:

Ms Gillard mocked Mr Costello for appearing indecisive as he has failed to spell out whether he is staying in politics or retiring.

She noted the company publishing Mr Costello's book, Melbourne University Press, has the motto "books with spine".

"We await this great entry into the literary world - a book with spine from a politician without one," she said.


  1. I'm proud she's from my gender.

  2. I'm proud even though she's not from my gender, which is more than I can (or need to) say about Peter the Precious.

  3. Poor old Tip. (not)

  4. I thought she missed the mark with the next bit of the remark, though. She said he'd go 'straight to paperback'; I wish she'd thought of using 'straight to the remainder bin'. But still, a fab put-down well done.

  5. The Keating pills are working ...

    Honestly, it makes a mockery of all those claims about Tip's excellent Parliamentary perfomance: Gillard was really savage, and really funny (unlike Costello).


  6. Peter Costello was a member of Young Labor while at Monash University

    Shame he won't return to those halcyon days...


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