Thursday, August 28, 2008

Housekeeping: notes and queries

Can anyone explain why it is that kitchen implements, if shoved promiscuously and willy-nilly into an overcrowded drawer, appear to breed and multiply (giving forth in the process such nightmares as what seems to be the bastard offspring of a butter-curler and a melon-baller), but that socks and underwear, kept in a similar environment, do the opposite, so that you end up unable to find any clean bras except the itchy red lace one?

Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. I heart the fact that you even have a red lace bra, even if it be itchy.

    We regularly purge our utensil drawer with the ferocity of a totalitarian dictator. Doesn't deter the buggers from breeding.

  2. Please see Pratchett "The Wintersmith" for description of the role of the unearthly in the average kitchen drawer. ( the cat seems to have eaten my copy)

  3. Pratchett will have come up with an adequate explanation if anybody can.

    Can he explain the underwear too, or does he confine himself to garlic presses and so on?

  4. Pratchett has an explanation for socks that go missing in the wash in "Hogfather".

    I have come to the conclusion that all the stuffed toys that have appeared in the house since our children were born live off their (the kids) socks!

  5. I found that my underwear multiplied once I classified it acc to category and placed in separate drawers (obv the Virgoan solution). Possibly an American tele-evangelist would read some kind of abundance blessing in this.

  6. I believe the goddess in question is Annoia (Pratchett again). Useless utensils that you swear you didn't buy and stuck drawers are her specialty.

  7. I think you expect too much of your household management skills, PC. It is when you can only find itchy red bras in your cutlery drawer that you need to start worrying about such matters.

  8. Not being one to worry about red lace bras, I find myself more perturbed by the way VERY sharp utensils in the cutlery drawer shed their protective coverings and lie in wait for vulnerable, unsuspecting fingers, rather like a chainsaw massacre writ small.

    Perry Middlemiss

  9. That, Perry, is why I beep my knives in a roll ...

    I'm convinced, btw, that biros are the larval stage of coathangers, but I'm not sure where socks and underwear goes. Perhaps you have an infestation of Underpants Gnomes, Dr Cat.


  10. Doh! KEEP my knives in a roll.


  11. If ever someone did explain the situation, the world would be replaced with something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

  12. A quick mental prayer to Annoia does get the cutlery drawer to open though.


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