Tuesday, October 09, 2007

'Writing & Society' blogging seminar: Friday October 12

Stephanie has (as usual) been better organised than I about publicising this, but we are doing this joint gig at UWS in Bankstown next Friday afternoon.

Please note that this is part of a writing program, so I expect there'll be little or no discussion of the more usual things -- politics, influence, so-called 'citizen journalism', the American blogosphere and so on. Stephanie and I are both literary types to the core, and the focus will be on writing, scholarship, criticism and literature.

Friday 12 October

"The Uses of Blogging"

with Kerryn Goldsworthy, literary critic & author of
the blog Pavlov's Cat

and Stephanie Trigg, medievalist & author of
the blog Humanities Researcher

University of Western Sydney, Bankstown campus
Building 23, conference room 1
(via the Henry Lawson Drive exit of the M5)

All welcome - lunch served at 1pm.
RSVP to writing@uws.edu.au


  1. oh, poo!
    Fancy you being in my home town, albeit on the other side of it, and me on the other side of the world!
    Oteherwise would have come and had lunch with ya!

    Good luck with it!

  2. What a fascinating topic. I was just talking to a colleague about the uses of my blog today. I hope you will share your fascinating and deep insights with your humble readers.


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