Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Monday night gardenblogging

Here are a couple more things I can't believe I actually grew; my mother would be proud. And it looks like next year will be raked Japanese pebbles and maybe the odd cactus, so I'm showing these off while I can.


  1. Oh, these are lovely, and make me think of one of the most spectacular things I have ever seen: an iris garden in full bloom on one side of Florence's Piazzale Michelangelo lookout...and a rose garden in full bloom on the other. Roses and irises are such a beautiful combination!

  2. Your garden seems to be a couple of weeks ahead of mine, although I don't have roses, so I'm enjoying your lovely garden while waiting for all my plants to flower. Thank you.

  3. Those decent rains we had in Adelaide recently have really helped. I just get this nagging feeling we have seen the last of them for the summer. Hope not.

  4. Those are beautiful. The rose especially looks like it was born to accrue royalties from Hallmark.

  5. OMG! These are blindingly, tearfully lovely!

  6. Gorgeous! Growing a plant is such a rewarding thing - and talent. I live in a terrace with almost no sunlight. The best I manage is rocket. It's depressing.

  7. Sophie, you could try peace lilies.

  8. Thirdcat, I've been meaning to ask how the hell did you get yours to flower? Mine is a lovely healthy-looking plant but it only ever produces leaves.


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