Monday, February 19, 2007

Yes I know it's pathetic

I got behindhand with my workload some time round last October and haven't really caught up since. I knew February was going to be bad, and it is. Nothing could possibly justify blogging.

And yet there is so much to blog. Ratty losing his composure. People piling onto Peter Garrett for behaving like *gasp* a politican. Disgracefully snide attacks on Tim Flannery by time-serving journalists. Ripe tomatoes. Heatwaves. Reading and reviewing four novels a week, so that when I walked into Borders today I realised with a shock that I had already read half the books on the 'New Books' shelves.

I'll be back soon.


  1. 4 novels a week!? ouch. Enjoy those tomatoes.

  2. Is 'Gaaah!' a new category? I sympathise totally. I'm only in the blogosphere this morning because a class has been cnacelled due to student illness. Perhaps I should add it to my blog!

  3. el, do you mean you will put the class on the blog for catchups? Very net-acious of you.
    Half the books on the new books shelf - sheesh. I am reviewing short stories for Chris B. and feeling very confused simply because of all the stories running past each other. It will pass.

  4. Reading four novels a week I can do. Reviewing them all sounds a bit too much like English class for me. Although I do look forward to your reviews each week. Keep up the good work PC, 9/10.

  5. I know you are stressed out, but I wish it was me who has read 4 books a week!
    I went into Borders, &left weeping. I cant afford all the interesting looking new books!
    Our local library is dismal.
    We are hoping it will improve with the new building- still only a 'plan'.

  6. Re Gaahh: ThirdCat has actually given me permission to appropriate her 'Fark' as a category and I was about to do so, but on reflection my state of mind was more Gaahh than Fark, so I added it to my ever-growing category list, being all too certain it would come in useful in the future.

    Mindy -- I always liked English class so I don't mind it feeling like that. Writing an even half-good 180-word review is at least as demanding as writing a (half-good) haiku. NB Tx for excellent mark!

    Meggie, you're right of course. My best mate thinks it's hysterical that I get bags and boxes of new books for free and then read them for a living. On the other hand, she works for the UN and is about to go live in Geneva for six months, with extensive travel to and from there, so I give her heaps for complaining about that, too. Suffer, we both say sarcastically in unison.

  7. Hope you'll find time for some film festival in there. Not that I can get to anything. But hope you can.

  8. Thanks for the reminder -- I'll have a look at the program, at least ...


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