Saturday, February 17, 2007

Today's Cat Haiku (by Anon.)

The food in my bowl
is old, and more to the point
contains no tuna.


  1. I'm sorry PC but I believe your cat owes my cat royalties on that Haiku.

  2. THE(remedial)CAT
    by Spyros Kyriazopoulos(mostly)

    She was licking
    the open tin
    for hours and hours
    without realising
    that she was drinking
    her own blood.

    Louis de Berniers used it(minus my snarky bit) on the page prior to the first chapter of his rollicking Anatolian romp set in the first quarter of last century, Birds Without Wings.

    Haiku it ain't; brilliant it is.

  3. Where's Mao? Shouldn't he say something about salmon now?

  4. Just because
    it's only 2.30
    doesn't mean I can't have dinner

    Miaowed by Kim the cat at 2.30 this afternoon.

  5. I saw this on a t-shirt

    Haikus are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense

    BTW Dr Cat, love your work on LP. Love it.

  6. I'm just haiku
    Yet this hai coup isn't just
    Haiku, or any ku

    No cat reference,
    Sorry. Also, are commas
    Allowed in haiku?

  7. PC, this had my uncontrollable laughter. Or something. I've become inarticulate lately.


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