Thursday, October 05, 2006


I can't believe I've been doing this for a year.

And a big hello to all my bloggy mates, with only two of whom I've ever come face to face (hi Cristy, hi Elsewhere) (though it's more than possible, indeed it's likely, that ThirdCat and I have been in the same Adelaide room without knowing it), especially the ones who provided feedback and help early on: Laura; Zoe; Kate; Fyodor the Great but Blogless, who was my first-ever commenter (how's that for class); and most of all Elsewhere, who alerted me to the existence and the potential of blogging in the first place.


  1. Happy Blogiversary, and many happy returns! I know I speak for many in saying the Australian blogosphere is very lucky indeed to have you as a member.

  2. Indeed you do, Ms Tartan.

    Congratulations Ms Cat. You are an ornament to the 'sphere.

  3. Congratulations!

    What they said. What more is there to say? BLOG ON!

  4. Get yer arse to Melba and meet some more... oh, and happy blogthday!!

  5. Yes, well, what can I say but happy blogiversary!

  6. Wow. Was I really your first commenter? That shows unusually sound judgement on my part.

    Oh. I see: my first comment was a remark about a generously-bottomed contestant on Australian Princess. Class? I got shiteloads.

    Congratulations - your blog is an ornament to the Blogosphere.

  7. I baked you a cake! Ok, I didn't really, but if I could I would. Keen on bloggin'!

  8. Oh fark. I am using someone else's computer and the keypad is all WRONG and they have one of those stylus thigs and it's a mac, so apologies if that comment made less sense than usual.

  9. Mmmmmmmmm cake. Kate, you may have meant 'keep', but I like 'keen' just as much.

    Thanks everyone for these very kind remarks. I love youse all (as seen/heard on Idol).

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Happy blogiversary, bloggy happiversary, and all things in between!

  12. Snaps for Pav!

    Do blogs drink champagne?

    What did you get your blog for its birthday?

  13. Well, you'd have to have pavlova, wouldn't you?

    (your doorbitch is in a funny mood: uhhskabs)

  14. Oh frabjous day! Happy blogiversary!

    We are indeed lucky to have you.

  15. Happy blog-day - and I'm very sorry I missed the chance to knowingly be in the same room at the same time and come along to your reading. Was off with the bats again.

    And what a symmetrical doorbitch: nkmkbdrd

  16. And it gets worse, 1P3C, for I'm going to have to miss yours too -- was hoping the sister's birthday get-together might be sensibly had on the weekend, but no, it seems we must have it on the correct day.

    I need to know more about these bats.

    CSH, for its birthday I got my blog some new garden photies, but have been too frazzled lately to scan and upload.

  17. I'm a bit late with congrats but I've been celebrating a blogiversary too as has TigTog. I wonder what they put in the water last October?

  18. Happy Belated Blogiversary. For some reason I kept getting Week by Pav every time I visited. Then, derr, it occurred to me to try refresh and I get a week's worth of posts. Now I'm happy.

  19. Oh, happy blogiversary! Sorry I missed it. We didn't get a lot of internet time in South Africa.

    I hope that there are many more years to come for this blog.


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