Saturday, May 27, 2006

That'd be right

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by Lori Fury

Thanks to Ampersand Duck. I think.


  1. I might have been one of them if he had been gay!

  2. Oh god just did it - am Anna of Cleves too. If we ever meet we will know instantly from the footwear!

  3. Me three. I made a very Marge Simpsonesque noise when I saw that.

  4. no one else worried about why anyone would have massage oil before a bj? only me? And I don't like chocolate? I am so getting old. Jane Seymour isn't who I wanted to be. I wanted to be an exciting one.

  5. I've done the thing three times now (yes, it's a productive life I lead) and I'm that Anna of Cleves each time. My one true indulgence is shoes. What I thought were beautiful, glorious and often quite stylish shoes. The rest of my clothes must be really bad.

  6. AOS -- hell yes. Me for the Birkenstock sandals in summer and the Rockport trainers in winter.

    Melly, yes, I did wonder about the massage oil. I mean, why not just ... Oh, never mind.

  7. I'm Katharine Parr. A well-bred (hah) bookworm with a secret taste for handsome rogues. (Double hah. I haven't been near a handsome rogue in years. Listen, I'm telling you that I'm fully recovered from any inclinations towards good-looking cads. No really. I am.)


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