Monday, May 29, 2006

It's a beautiful thing

Laura from Sorrow at Sills Bend, ably supported by Georg from Stack and Genevieve from You Cried for Night, has gathered together a team of bloggers at Sarsaparilla, a new blog about Australian literature, media and culture, named for the mythical Sydney suburb of Patrick White's dreams and nightmares.

Less than 48 hours old, and the joint is jumping already. Check it out. You might even see someone you know.


  1. Yes. I think it's very beautiful, actually. Laura modestly says it's just the template -- but there's something about that sprig of blossom and the background colour ... It all just looks lovely. Discussion's good, too, of course -- lovely to see it take off so fast -- apart from that weird bit of flaming from Ken Wark. I thought the cult studs people had moved on from being literature-hatas, but it appears not.

  2. I've been thinking about why he might have done that. I can appreciate why the post made him angry, and why he would just issue a massive slam rather than engage in any way. Still think it's pretty much unforgivable behaviour from someone in that position.
    The good side is I'm very relieved, and impressed, that people have restrained themselves and it hasn't turned into a big old slanging match. That's a good sign.


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