Sunday, August 03, 2008

It was a nice thought, but it's not going to work

Nah, this 300-words-a-day experiment is already a failure. Some days you just don't have 300 words you want to share. Watch/listen to this instead. The conductor is, of course, the composer.


  1. We're sorry this video is no longer available!

  2. Really? How bizarre! It still plays for me but I am so ignorant of teh intertubes I don't know how that would work.

    I wonder if anyone else who has tried to watch this would be kind enough to let me know whether they can or not. It's Leonard Bernstein in the recording studio conducting Kiri Te Kanawa and Jose Carreras singing 'One Hand, One Heart' from West Side Story.

  3. And on the experiment angle - a few of the healthier eating focused blogs are conducting little domestic experiments. another outspoken female's been making food out of what's at home rather than topping up, and the nutritionist who writes Limes & Lycopene is having a 31 Day program, complete with daily tasks.

    I thought about keeping a “diet diary”, but I had nine hundred glasses of wine the night before it started and the morning’s entry went:

    8 am - 2 slices white Italian bread, 1 rasher bacon, 1 fried egg, mayonnaise, chilli sauce

    9:15 am - 1 coffee and ½ an eccles cake thoughtfully delivered from the markets by a slightly bleary &Duck

    10:30 am – half an orange and a cup of tea (milk and half)

    11:30 am – one very small cheese scone

    12:30 pm – small serve of crispy skin pork with fried rice and bok choy. ½ a VB.

    So I gave up.

  4. Not sure why you gave up -- I find this mesmerising. Rly. My kind of diet. I wish someone would bring me eccles cakes at 9.15 am.

  5. Not available here either.

    A shame, for West Side Story is as good as it's genre gets, maybe better.

    'Somewhere' alone counts for many more than 300 words. The idea that
    There's a place for us
    Somewhere a place for us
    There's a time for us
    Some day a time for us
    seems so universal, so compelling - especially when sung as hesitatingly & tentatively as in the original Broadway recordings.


  6. Pav, your mac may be holding a copy of the video in its cache so it doesn't have to retrieve it every time you watch it.

    A friend who brings you eccles cake is a friend to keep

  7. yep n/a here too. bugger. on the other hand I saw a doco about John Adams on ABC2 last night, and his opera Dr Atomic about Oppenheimer and the making of the bomb. Fascinating, if hard, listening.

    ps doorbitch is saying 'kzzrgte'which is roughly the noise i think of when i get a 404.

  8. Just in reference to Pavlov's Cat's request above: I was able to watch the You Tube clip. (Mac user, OS X. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.)

    Enjoyed it over a cup of coffee (no eccles cakes, unfortunately). V. nice to visit this blog too...

    (Don't seem to have any luck creating a Blogger identity, though.)

    No Blogger Name Yet

  9. "... it's not going to work ..."
    I assume - and hope - that "it" refers to 300wd blogs, and not to the nascent novel?


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