Thursday, July 31, 2008

... and two hours later, more liveblogging reading Annie Proulx: how to keep it up

Just in case you weren't convinced by the opening sentence (see previous post) that Archie and Rose are headed straight for grief, or that Annie Proulx is a fabulous writer, here's the bit I'm up to now:
Some mornings the wind stirred the snow into a scrim that bleached the mountains and made opaline dawn skies. Once the sun below the horizon threw savage red onto the bottom of the cloud that hung over Barrel Mountain and Archie glanced up, saw Rose in the doorway burning an unearthly colour in the lurid glow.

1 comment:

  1. I heard her read from a short story collection post Shipping News (can't remember its' title) and dammit she was gooood. And I have kept on hearing her voice so strongly through the text every since. Slow, pause, slow.


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