Friday, February 08, 2008

Not to be forgetting Valentine's Day

I'm sure there are copyright issues so I won't display the actual card here, but I have bought a Valentine for my Valentine telling him that he is a Chocolate Button of Loveliness on the Great Caramel Pudding of Life.

Which is true.


  1. If I could think of any other chocolates he could be, I would supply something. A handmade Africa rum truffle, perhaps?

    My son gets fifteen chocolate buttons ( and we count them in threes) for doing puzzles most nights. So I'm a little bit blase about them, I'm afraid.
    The pudding sounds super, though.
    Happy V-day, PC.

  2. Ah, but are they Chocolate Buttons of Loveliness??

  3. But haven't you spoilt the surprise? (As well as the lovely choccy one?) Never mind, you're all the furry cat cheeks of loveliness...

  4. I like the optomistic sentiment that life is a caramel pudding.

  5. Anon -- thank you, what a compliment!

    3C, yes, good point. I might use this in future as an example when I'm trying to explain to some hapless victim the correct meaning of the expression 'begging the question'.


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