Friday, February 01, 2008

Mixed metaphor of the month

From today's

Whatever should Brendan Nelson do? His party is torn on the issue of an apology to the stolen generation and within the space of days must resolve its approach to this weeping Liberal sore and bat a few other curly ones round its depleted party room.


  1. Yeah... but top of the list will be: should they have gone with Turnbull...

  2. Paul Howes, new secretary of the AWU, recently had this to say at a National Press Club address:

    In the regions, in the bush, the Howard Government reaped what it sowed. And today and hereafter the regional voters are tramping out the vineyards where the grapes of wrath were stored.


  3. Whatever should Brendan Nelson do?

    Well for starters he should take off those ridiculous sunglasses.

  4. Overheard in Marrickville yesterday - an estate agent on her mobile phone learning that a sale had just fallen through - "Oh no, I knew that there were cold feet in the wind".

    I like the image it conjures up.

  5. Kind of off-topic, but do you remember when you were writing (or it came up in the comments) about the saying 'I could care less' and how it didn't make much sense?

    Well, I was watching a DVD of The West Wing the other night (it's my new late-night obsession since the tennis finished) and Toby turned to (I think) Leo with a shrug and said 'I could care less', but I noticed that there was a silent 'like' at the beginning. I think that's what has happened. The 'like' has just been dropped.

  6. Hold on. That still doesn't make sense. It did when I saw it. Something to do with the way he shrugged. I'll watch it again. And report back.


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