Tuesday, January 08, 2008

And me with the Christmas tree still up

Guess what I saw in Coles just then.

You know what I'm going to say, don't you.

Easter eggs.


  1. I saw hot cross buns in our local Coles. I don't know how anybody can even think about hot cross buns until the leaves start falling.

  2. We wish you a merry easter
    We wish you a merry easter
    We wish you a merry easter
    And a happy new spending season!

  3. I want to know who the first person who buys an easter egg or hot cross bun is, and when?

  4. It just makes me want to put my hands over my ears and shout "la la la la la".

    Happy New Year.

  5. The whinging for easter eggs will start any minute now.

  6. One of my friends buys hot cross buns year round (year round!) because her kids like them for recess (or, as we used to say, little lunch).

    It's sacrilege to me: hot cross buns are for Good Friday, (one) Easter egg is for hunting on Easter Sunday.

  7. I saw them in woolies last week. I'm restraining myself...just.

  8. My jaw fell when I saw them yesterday in safeway. It is not even the MIDDLE of January.
    I would like to see some of these Markewting Managers locked in a room with a dozen 5 year-olds whining about "when is egg day Mum".

  9. Ampersand Duck takes the prize for

    Gah BUNbug.

  10. Well, Ampersand Duck might have the best riposte, but I saw hot cross buns in Coles on January 2


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