Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 18th 1947

My mum and dad were married 60 years ago today.

She died in 1999. He's still physically and mentally fit enough at 80 to do an unscheduled speed run to the airport to pick up a sick daughter.

When this wedding photo was taken, she'd spent four years in the workforce and a year in the WAAF. He'd matriculated, learned how to run a farm, done some accountancy training and spent two years in the Navy. They were both 20.


  1. Oh didn't they look lovely together! Beautiful photo.

  2. How young and hopeful and in love they were. What a lovely photo.

  3. There was a moment, in my teens, when I realised just how young my parents and aunts and uncles had been when I was little. How grown up I thought they were then, how youthful they are in the photos!

    Your folks look lovely too. As well as looking youthful.

    Much the same feeling occurs when I look at my old passport photo.

  4. So young and so happy.

    Good stuff.

  5. Are those freesias in your mum's bouquet? My favourites.

    I love seeing old family pics - tracing resemblances, etc. This is a lovely one.


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