Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hardly worth the bother

"Registering your telephone number on the Do Not Call Register will not stop all telemarketing calls to your number. There are some exemptions which enable certain public interest organisations to make telemarketing calls. Exempt organisations include charities, religious organisations and registered political parties. You can also still receive calls from market researchers."

Que ...?


  1. I guess they have to warn you. On the upside, my phone's a LOT quieter since putting us on the list. So maybe those other ones check to see who hates them and think twice?

  2. Must agree with &duck & then add that answering to those unwanted calls, asking them clearly & slowly who exactly are you ringing from & your name please? There's a little pause, which is when I politely inform them that as I am on the Do Not Call Register, this call is going to cost them $10 000 fine. Seems to work with one & all - they hang very very quickly. Can't think why...

  3. Thanks for the feedback, goils. Bernice, that $10,000 fine line is a beauty. Can't wait to use it.

  4. I just get so infuriated to have the beggars still calling that I am rude & just hang up! And we seem to have had more of the begging charity types since registering.


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