Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lolkittehs rule


  1. Harhar iz that ur cat?

  2. I is dicted to making the lolz now

  3. Is one of pavcats two kittehz, teh gravatarcat. Other kitteh she is be sweet hart. This wun ferril.

    music is second movement of moonlight snarter wich kitteh cannot plai for tooffe nor can pav and thurd is wurse hur hur

    Teh lols they is dictiv all rite :P

  4. kitteh cannot plai for tooffe nor can pav and thurd is wurse hur hur

    Nigel LOLsworth?

  5. Zarquon -- the piano does not yet go tinkle plunk zoom when Molesworth 2 pla Fairy Bells. But give it time.


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