Friday, June 29, 2007

Anyone living in Melbourne and free at 4 pm today?

If you are, try to get to this.

Don't be fooled into thinking the 'medieval' tag makes it too specialist and academic for general interest. Merlin is a topic that most literate people have a passing interest in anyway. And anyone who has ever had anything to do with Prof Knight will know that he could sit and read out his shopping list and it would still be clever and funny.


  1. Oh god/s, I wish! That would be awesome.
    I'm a sucker for that stuff. I love trying to extract history from mythology; what's real, what's symbolic, etc.
    But am stuck in Perth. Oh well!

  2. Well in that case you may be in luck, because apparently he'll be in Perth next week. Don't know if he's giving this or any other public seminar there, but will find out for you -- watch this space.

  3. Merlin is a topic that most literate people have a passing interest in anyway.

    er ok.

    you sure?

  4. It was a vintage Stephen talk; a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar texts; generous asides; curious speculations; deft sketchings-in of broader political issues as he traced the dialectical figure of Merlin and the radical changes in his representation over the centuries. Watch out for his forthcoming book on Merlin, Knowledge and Power with Cornell UP.

    Lovely to see the room packed with current and former students and colleagues of Stephen's, even if most of the department seems to be away on conference and research trips at the moment.

    And STK? Looks just the same, after all these years...


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