Thursday, June 21, 2007

2.02 am ...

... and I've written 3,000 words, about eight different books of fiction, in the last two days. 3,000 down, 260 to go, and then I can go to bed.

Also, this Amberley 2006 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc is very nice. You heard it here.

Speaking of which, ThirdCat, I bought a bottle of that Lake Breeze Bernoota Shiraz (though not the same vintage, of course) when I happened to notice it at Dan Murphy's the other day, in your honour. I have stashed it to keep for a few years, as recommended.

Back to work.

It's not called a deadline for nothing.


  1. Hope you are sleeping well.

    You won't regret that Bernoota purchase.

  2. EnCom sez...

    Pav, trust you put in a refreshing kip after your huge effort.

    Digby's Hullaballo I visit daily because "he" is a great writer. Nothing like a good hunh?! moment though, followed by a broad grin and a warm glow in the aftermath of yet another shattered assumption. Digby blogs from "The People's Rebublic of Santa Monica" CA, USA. Behind Digby( stand many of the bloggers who can actually twirl a quill; who lead and supply heart, soul and creative oomph to the progressive blogosphere.

  3. Sheesh. Just as well you didn't have to read them too ; )

  4. In some cases, Zoe, would that it were true!

  5. Actually with that Bernoota, if its 2004 or earlier, you can drink it right now and it will be very nice.

    If you hunt around you can get them by the 1/2 dozen for very reasonable prices. Then you can have 1 every 6 months for the next 3 years to see what they do.

    I think I bought some on-line, either from ebay, or from greys-online (whose win auctions are dangerous - you can easily spend a *lot* of money!)

  6. Thanks Ashleigh -- it's a 2004. I might go back to DM's and get a few more. Hell, I might even go for a drive down to the region, if it ever stops raining. Tx also for links to newly discovered Adders blogs -- we're going to have critical mass for an Adders grogblog any day now at this rate.


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