Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not very pleased to meet you, Ma'am: Chewygate at the Firm

Apparently Kate Middleton's mum was just too common a commoner.

Pffft. I bet Diana Spencer's mum mother always said 'lavatory' not 'toilet', and look how that all turned out.


  1. You know, I get the feeling that she's had a narrow escape. She probably doesn't think so, but hopefully in years to come she will be glad it's not here in the glare of the spotlight. Of course the media will probably be waiting for her to become Will's Camilla.

  2. I've already heard one regular Royal media hanger-on say pretty much exactly that, on the teeve last night.

  3. Dunny?

    Have they mentioned that he might be a "dud root"?

  4. 'Doors to manual?!' (See link) Prince Will's mates are a bunch of unbelievably stuck-up prats. If that one's true, her escape is even luckier than we think.

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