Monday, February 05, 2007

Eight years is a long time when you're under 18

Just ask Daniel Radcliffe.

David Copperfield, 1999

Equus, 2007

Apparently lots and lots of mummies and daddies are up in arms about Harry Potter getting his gear off. Wait till they find out about him blinding six horses with a hoof pick.


  1. Well he's all growed up in't he. (husband's words verbatim. Yes kiddies even little kids grow up into big kids and get their gear off. I think it's more that Mummy and Daddy don't want to have to answer difficult questions.

  2. If they're up in arms about the skin tone, I'd have to go there too. Though quite how the Harry Potter next instalment will play after Equ...

  3. God, those Poms glow in the dark, don't they?

  4. not to mention the bestiality side of it - wasn't the whole thing in Equus that he got off on horses? - Gianna

  5. Have you naughtily downloaded series 2 of Ricky Gervais' "Extras"? Nah, me neither, but fortunately Ducky knows how ... he features rather stunningly in one episode.

  6. Very much what Zoe said. The Extras episode with young Daniel is about exactly this bit of the child-star continuum, and it's hysterical.

  7. I think mummy and daddy have lost sight of Radcliffe the actor. As for the next movie, every teenage girl and gay boy will rush to see it. Isn't that the aim of every good actor, to be able to move from one part to another and become that part? I wish they'd shut up because he might not want to finish the series and the films wouldn't be the same.

  8. I haven't seen the Ricky Gervais thing, though I've read about about it. What I have seen is young Daniel doing his presenter thing at the AFI awards, where for a 17 year old boy who has had a truly bizarre fishbowl life, he was (I thought) quite alarmingly elegant and intelligent and urbane and sane. And also really sweet.

  9. Crikeys Gianna... I must of read/watched Equus different to you... the tragedy was the stabbing of the horses eyes.. because they had witnessed sexual inadequacy? Mind you - I read/watched Equus 20 years ago. And I suspect I was very different then. I guess the sexual interpretations of that particular play.. are interpreted differently.
    But when I read that Ratcliffe was playing in it - I found it quite moving that he played a part I found so fascinating so many years before.
    And heck isn't his body white. But I dont find it offensive. My first thought was.. that young man is so never going to have to deal with skin cancer?


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