Thursday, January 18, 2007

And as the hearts of moderate, reasonable Australian Muslims sink even lower ...

Radical sheikh (yeah yeah, I know) Feiz Mohammad -- who only looks about seventeen himself -- in Sydney, addressing Muslim parents, via a surreptitiously circulating DVD, on the human sacrifice of their children:

"Teach them this: that there is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a Muhajid."


Why doesn't he, then? Think of all the young Muslim lives it might save.


  1. Before commenting I must say I find the "labels" list under this post amusing, if a little depressing. It brings to mind whole universes of all-too-real bloggerifica.

    The Good Sheikh has said some things, but we must be fair: this vilification caper is very demanding. Recruiting and training a dependable team of hawkers and spruikers, for example, is next to impossible during the Australian summer, especially considering mission control is based in Lebanon. (It takes a special kind of kid to pass up a day at Wottamolla for a twelve hour stint on the tiles at Westfield. Not even the diminutive Soldiers Brethren are up to this level of sacrifice!)

    Besides, better that the cool heads stay behind enemy lines to plan and lead (and fund raise).

  2. Nice blog, Lunar. Good name, too. Also, anyone who appreciates Judith Beveridge's poetry must be all right.

    I think what horrified me most about the baby sheikh was how very Australian an activity I've always thought being-an-urger was. Au contraire; clearly it's an international impulse. But I do find this version particularly off-putting.

    It's starting to be a really huge issue for some of us who abhor racial vilification (especially if we're women or even *gasp* feminists) to just keep on keeping quiet about behaviour and activities we regard as criminally insane, just because we don't want to be seen as, like, intolerant. But I think this guy qualifies for special treatment.

  3. after I have mutilated his genitals I would whack him for a slab ...

    my lawyer suggested I preface that with "If I were not a rational person I might ..."

  4. Now there's the kind of convict combativeness we need. Brownie, you're a very nice person. I just know.

    But, yes, a fine line has been strung up in front of us by the Bolt Insurgency* between being broad-minded and condoning criminal insanity. My way through is to maintain a kind of thick-end-of-the-wedge sardonic vigil.

    * Speaking of favours for a slab ...

  5. ps thanks for the kind words. I like yours too and have now become a regular visitor.



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