Friday, December 22, 2006

Volume Seven ...

... is called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

You heard it here.

(Unless you, too, have read the latest Borders newsletter.)

If you are one of those people who hates the whole Harry Potter phenomenon, would you mind controlling your impulse to leap into the comments box and say so, presumably for no other reason than the desire to behave like a prat? Ta.


  1. I was watching the news tonight and the newsreader said 'the title of the new Harry Potter book will be' drowned out by shouting from the toddler who has an uncanny ability to yell at exactly the wrong time.

    Now at least I will be able to answer the inevitable quiz question in the Good Weekend magazine. Thanks Dr Cat.

  2. It had better not have Harry dying in this. I still have PTSD from Albus' demise. Why is the new film being released in July next year but we have to wait until September?

  3. Hey, anything that gets my 20-something year old friend to read, when she has never been interested beforehand, is worthwhile on some level!

  4. It's something I don't understand. I couldn't read more than a few pages of the first book and I haven't been able to even watch beyond 10 minutes of the fillum. Judging by the rest of the world - it must just be me.

  5. See, now, FXH, that's kind of what I meant. I am genuinely curious about what motivates someone to take the trouble to come into the comments box and diss something in which they have no interest but which the blogger is clearly enthused about -- particularly someone like you, who seems (seem? Uh oh, where are the Language Log people when you need them?) a nice bloke in general. The psychology of blogging is endlessly fascinating in all its myriad facets, but this one in particular really puzzles me.

    I'd explain the attraction, but bitter experience has taught me that Harry-hatas dislike the explanations even more than they dislike the books. There is no common ground.

    The fact that you are an adult male might have something to do with it. It's my understanding that adult male fantasies are of a slightly different order from the JK Rowling variety. Just guessin'.

  6. My adult make enjoys them enough that we have a genuine discussion about whether to but two copies so that one person isn't waiting for the other.

    We did it with Order of the Phoenix, but not with the last one...

  7. Obviously that should be adult male.

  8. 'Mate' would have also worked. 'Mage' would have been very seasonal. 'Mare' might have been a bit of a worry.

  9. Surely the bigger question is WHEN? When will it be available?

    Although I am with Jahteh, if Harry dies I will be a mess and am not sure if it will all be worth the pain.

  10. My guess, speaking as a recklessly amateur psychoanalyst and a not at all amateur literary critic, and knowing Rowling's own background (her mother died at 45, when JKR was in her early 20s, and she has never, she says, recovered) is that if Harry dies he will be very joyously reunited with his mum and dad. Look how many ways the dead return in those books.

    *Thinks a bit*

    Actually I think this is a whole post, innit.

  11. My goodness if she kills off Harry she may be forced to write another book about how it was all a dream or something because of the public outcry. Didn't something similar happen to Doyle when he tried to kill off Sherlock Holmes?

  12. I think word verification knows something it's wizsdis. Will Harry simply disappear?

  13. yeah, well, I imagine JKR will be damned if she does (kill off HP) and damned if she doesn't...

    I will be completely intrigued to see who dies and, more importantly, why, and how that fuels the story. she has a fluid approach to the finality of death, which is fine as long as it's not just used as a convenient prop/plot device. I suspect there'll be some big Dumbledore and Sirius action in this one, after all, she now has a whole posse of powerful dead people that harry can draw on (as he did at the end of HP4). not sure if that's a cop-out or not. sometimes, it depends on my mood ;-)

    as a moderate-to-big fan, I was really disappointed with HP6. I think a lot of people were... I was also pretty neutral about HP4 but the movie was really very good by comparison (considering how much had to be left out for movie-lengths sake). HP5 is my favourite book so I'm hanging out to see this next movie, although I've been slack in finding info out about it.

    btw, not dissin' here, PavCat - I repeat, I am a fan! I hope I'm contributing to the conversation, not distracting.


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