Saturday, December 16, 2006

If experience is the best teacher, why do I never learn?

Hot tree-decorating tip: put the dangly baubly things (Austrian glass teddy, crystal cat, silver snowflake balls, Scottish bunny-in-a-wreath, pearly icicles etc etc etc) on the tree BEFORE you wind the slippy stringy things (red tinsel, gold star garland, string of red beads and pearly ditto) around the branches to define the shape of the tree.

I made this mistake last year and had to take the whole thing apart and do it again. Just like this year.

They say you have to repeat something consciously at least 21 times, or is it 27, in order to establish it as a habit. If that's the case then I will be well into my *coughcoughseventiescoughcoughcough* before I automatically decorate the tree in the order that works.

One of the cats sat in Sphinx position on the mantelpiece, paws tucked over the edge, and watched the whole thing over my shoulder. I pray that she has now lost interest.


  1. Ah, cats and Christmas trees are a match made in hell. I used to put our tree on a longish coffee table, but had to desist because it provided the perfect platform for puss to whack the gee-gaws across the room. If they weren't broken by the impact, he would then chase them under the couch.

  2. Need any angels with hellos (slightly skewiff)? We seem to have an abundance of them.

  3. stick a note to yourself (print out this post) in the box with the decorations. twelve months between tree-decorating is too long to remember anything useful.

  4. Cats, three year olds... we have given up redecorating the tree and hope to remember to do it Christmas Eve after he's gone to bed and just hope the cats don't bother with it. Or we'll be up all night chasing cats with baubles out of the bedroom.

  5. Well, speaking for myself, I hope there are *some* experiences that will always continue to fail teaching by example. Tequila, for instance, on Mexico's national day (16 September, for the record).
    I might add, your cat was staring because it knew how to do it better, but was too smug to tell you.

  6. Devil Drink, welcome! I'd just like you to know that the Christmas lists going in and out of this house at the moment include brandy, Scotch, Pimms, gin, Bailey's (the original and best, none of this flavoured muck), Fox Creek's Vixen, d'Arenberg's Peppermint Paddock and Ashton Hills Salmon Brut.

    Re cat, I'm sure that's right.

  7. That's not bad, PC. But what will you serve your guests once you've finished that lot?
    "Peppermint paddock": I always expect to taste creme de menthe.

  8. From their website:

    'd’Arenberg The Peppermint Paddock Sparkling Chambourcin

    The grapes for this sparkling red wine come from a vineyard on the d'Arenberg property surrounded by peppermint gum trees with a steep southern aspect amd sandy soils littered with ironstone. ...

    Tasting Notes:
    Upon release, it exhibits an extraordinarily coloured mousse – a deep vibrant crimson purple colour, with a fine bead and persistence. The initial smells are of freshly crushed & fermenting grape juice.

    The young, lifted attacking aromas are dominated by a full range of summer pudding-like smells. There are some spicy cinnamon as well as sarsaparilla, blackcurrant leaf and some strong boysenberry jam aromas. Chambourcin’s exotic background is certainly matched by its youthful, exotic aromas.

    The palate is refreshing; medium bodied & full flavoured with juicy raspberry, boysenberry & mulberry flavours. The sweet berry fruit flavours give complexity to the full flavoured and some almost herbaceous characters before a refreshing high acid & soft tannin tang. ... Serve well chilled below 8 �C. now or in the next 1-4 years as an aperitif or with the Christmas or Thanksgiving Turkey. Also with dates, duck, quail, veal and lamb, cold cuts, pickled vegetables, antipasto, spiced Indian, Thai, African, South American and Chinese dishes. Soft cheeses, crusty bread and chillied soups.'

    It's all true. And I'm fairly sure the Salmon Brut doesn't taste like fish, either.

  9. I am enjoying the image of the cat on the mantelpiece with her paws hanging over the edge.

    That sounds like a Burmese trait.

  10. Boysenberry? Bloody hell, I don't think I've even ever seen a boysenberry, let alone know what one tasted like. Sounds nice though, I shall await a full report of the degustation.
    I hope it's nicer than Cold Duck.
    Now, as to this 'serve well chilled' business. Wine of any colour can and should be drunk at any temperature. Chilling is a sneaky manoeuvre used most often to disguise excessive sweetness or some other strong taste, and such a decent wine certainly doesn't need you to put aside fridge space for it.
    Leave *that* room for the beer.


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