Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hens' night at the Walkleys

All the excitable pants-wetting over Milne v Mayne at the Walkley Awards ceremony the other night has completely obscured the fact that it was women journalists who walked away with nearly all the top-line awards.

Chris Boyd has a nice post at Sarsparilla about the awards night; he describes the pleasure of a journo from Bendigo who, to his own surprise, won a Walkley for his work on the water crisis -- but whose moment in the spotlight got edited out of the SBS telceast to make way for a replay of the Mayne/Milne face-off.

Similarly, the women whose genuine achievements were recognised have gone almost unnoticed in the press's coverage of its own prize night.

For the record, then, here are the top eight awards:

Gold Walkley - Liz Jackson, Lin Buckfield, Peter Cronau, Four Corners, ABC TV: Stoking the Fires.

Nikon-Walkley Australian Press Photographer of the Year - Kate Geraghty, The Sydney Morning Herald: Lebanon.

Walkley for Journalism Leadership - Michelle Grattan, political editor, The Age, and political commentator, ABC Radio National Breakfast.

Walkley for Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism - Colleen Egan, The Sunday Times.

Print News Report - Michael Beach and Viva Goldner, The Daily Telegraph: Marcus Einfeld.

Sport News Reporting - Danny Weidler, National Nine News: Russell's Rabbits.

Radio News Reporting - Tim Palmer, ABC Radio: Bali Suicide Bombings.

Investigative Journalism - Caroline Overington, The Australian and The Weekend Australian: AWB Kickback Scandal.


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  3. You're right, Chris, there were lots more as well -- but I just listed the top eight of the Walkley people's own list, partly to make the point that they were the highest-ranked and partly so people wouldn't get bored.

    What a punishing morning you're having.

  4. Chris, you beat me to it. She won the best magazine feature award. And, boy, did she deserve it.

    Oh, yeah, and her curly hair and dress were very fetching, indeed.


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