Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Early days, but still ...

I know it's only the first week in December, but a hot contender for the Mind-Bogglingly Vacuous Statement of the Bloody Obvious division of the Sports Commentary Awards of the Summer has already emerged from the Channel Nine commentary box:

'And if England had had Shane Warne playing for them, they might have won this match.'


  1. I'd go so far as to say that if England had ALL the Australian team playing for them, they could take out the series.

  2. Possibly, Zoe, but that's a big call.

    My favourite is still from some time in my childhood (seventies I reckon). Norman May: oh, and that would've been out if it hit the stumps.

  3. My fave is from the Aussie open some time ago about Nicole Pratt - 'yes she's a very good ball handler' followed by about five seconds of stunnrd silence,

  4. Well, if Shane Warne were English, he probably wouldn't get a game under Fletcher, who picks his spinners based on their batting average.

    Ashley Giles anyone?


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