Monday, October 09, 2006

On not doing the 'I Told You So' dance

Fans of Will and Grace might remember the episode in which Grace does the 'I Told You So' dance. This involves jiggling on the spot, doing Bobby-from-Idol type hand movements while chanting 'I-told-you-so, I-told-you-so, I told-you-told-you-told-you-so!'

While very funny to watch, it's not a dance I've ever felt inclined to do. If one feels close enough to people to be giving them advice in the first place, then one gets no particular pleasure out of seeing them fall on their faces, even if it happened because they went against one's excellent advice.

This does not apply, however, to job selection committees on which one's advice and opinions are ignored, and the person appointed then turns out to be a five-star, fur-lined, ocean-going psycho. That is the moment for the 'I Told You So' dance.

The dance I do rather enjoy performing, however, is the 'Good. Now You Know How I Felt' dance. It's a sort of flounce out of the room, accompanied by a flick of the hair.

Not that this blog is autobiographical or anything like that.


  1. five-star, fur-lined, ocean-going psycho

    Oh dear. Now you've done it. Even the cat has wet his pants laughing at that.

  2. I regret to admit that I've recruited a couple of those in the past but your description really puts it in perspective.

  3. Hahahahaha .. I always knew I loved you.

  4. It's too bad tho, when you have to work with the 5*, F-L, O-G psycho, even when you warned the rest of the selection panel.

  5. Libel avoidance kicks in at this point, alas, but Elsewhere is well-placed to remember an instance of that for me, and I'm sure has her own equivalent(s).

  6. "The dance I do rather enjoy performing, however, is the 'Good. Now You Know How I Felt' dance. It's a sort of flounce out of the room, accompanied by a flick of the hair."

    I think you and YouTube have a date with destiny.

  7. I like to employ the 'I told you so' snigger on occassions, usually with hubby and involving children. But then I help sort out the mess so I let myself think I'm not a complete bitch.

    BTW I'm going to steal five star, fur lined, ocean-going psycho for hubby. I think he'll really appreciate it. But I will attribute it correctly.

    His response - Crikey, I think we know one of those.

  8. ...five-star, fur-lined, ocean-going psycho...

    But no one ever accepts it when you say they looked almost normal next to the other candidates! Especially if the cone of silence forbids you from mentioning the real fruitcakes you interviewed!

  9. In that case, it's a "Boy you shoulda seen whatcha coulda got" dance but difficult to pull of without looking like one of the unsuccessful.

  10. Hey, PC, weren't you on MY selection committee....

  11. Heh.

    There have of course been a number of selection-committees on which commonsense, and my and others' good taste and good judgment, have prevailed. But one or two five-star etcs have snuck in under the radar over the years.

  12. Then of course they have you sacked.

    Nah, too pessimistic.

    I am close to someone whose boss happily tells meetings that she makes decisions by asking the fairies what to do. And in the new world of industrial relations, the fairies can tell her exactly who is conspiring against her and must be removed..

    Fortunately an organisation too gimcrack to deal with that is not worth working for.

    In this case, said organisation did organise some new fairies to tell her to leave..

    - barista


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