Monday, October 30, 2006

A colony of whatever they are

And in keeping with the elevated tone of that last post, here's a word from the ever-classy Senator Heffernan, a man with good sensible views on biodiversity: platypus schlatypus, kill them all!


  1. If they finish the highway they'll be splatypuses.

  2. Sen. Heffernan: Tooly McTool...
    I seem to be using that word a lot lately...
    Hard to avoid 'em...

    Cast Iron Balcony

  3. I've seen the name construction around a lot, too. Tooly McTool sounds like the genuine Scottish article, the way they interchange given and clan names so much (I had a great-grandma called Marjorie McNaughton Keir) but I must give the prize to Bland Canyon's name for recently-ousted Australian Idol finalist Lisa Mitchell, the pretty 16-year-old with the little-girl voice, wistful delivery, non-hawt shoes and total inability to move around the stage: Shuffles McBalletflats.


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