Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yes, Virginia, you still rule

Still with the patriarchy-blamers, someone there has posted a link to one of the key texts of the 20th century. If you have never before got round to reading this charming, funny, brilliant and monumentally influential little book, now's as good a time as any. And I see with pride that it has been rendered into an e-text not fifteen k's from where I sit, thus.

Orginal cover by Woolf's sister, artist Vanessa Bell.


'A Room' coffee mug, by Penguin

'A Room' director chairs, tastefully arranged in a Woolfian gardenscape

'A Room' teatowel: IRONY ALERT


  1. I iron my sheets and pillowcases as well as my teatowels (they taught us in home ec along wit the correct order in which to wash your dishes - which I failed!), and when I get into bed I say 'I love it when it's all irony'.

  2. With. Of course I meant with.

  3. Heh.

    Ironed teatowels -- more absorbent.

    Ironed pillowcases -- feel nice on the face.

    Ironed sheets -- madness.

    Personally I don't think you can go past a fitted flannelette sheet warmed by the electric blanket on Three, especially on a night like tonight.

    I do glassware, plastics, crockery, cutlery then pots. Something to do with what gets stuck to what and what's muckiest, IIRC. But if water restrictions move to a new level of severity this summer, I'll just give them to the cats to lick.

  4. The Adelaide e-texts are the nicest-looking and most inviting ones I've come across.

  5. Sorry, I need more than just furniture -I'll settle for the room thanks. (ha ha).

  6. And that e-texts database is wonderful, thank you. Agree that the layout is very good, Laura. They have Middlemarch on there...And Les Fleurs du Mal.


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