Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Paper cut

OWWWWW OW OW OW OW you moron why didn't you see that coming OW OW OW f*ckety f*ck f*ck OW OW OW OW OW that's going to hurt like a son of a bitch if I get lemon juice in it OW OW OW OW and it's going to take days and days to heal up and hurt every time I hit it on something OW OW it's as much the textural sensation as the pain it's like a knife going through meat s'pose that's what it is really ... eewwwww EWWWW OW OW OW OW F*CKING OW.

Thank you.


  1. Ow...I feel your pain!

  2. I thought you were channelling Steve Irwin at first ...

  3. That was hysterical! But merit points have to go to your anonymous commenter

  4. snickering at the lot of you.

  5. erm, have you tried one of those bandaids you mentioned you had in your wardrobe or bathroom cabinet. They stop the lemon getting in, also stop you from every now and then noticing how disconcertingly deep and neat the cut actually is.

    also, that last post is really good.

    also, beta blogger doesn't let me use my blogger log-in to comment on other people's blogs. Sniffy as.

    Cool word verification, but: zanff

  6. Barbie band-aids would match your blog.

  7. They make Barbie band-aids? Oo-er.

    I went to a meeting tonight and someone else there was also sporting (and whining about, like me) a paper cut. I found this sinister.

    I am avoiding Beta Blogger for the moment as both 1P3C and Laura have pointed out some of its pitfalls.

    Anonymous, that joke about poor dead Steve Irwin made me spray wine into my keyboard.

  8. And they usually get infected too. I read something scientific about how the paper leaves a jagged wound. Probably in New Scientist. I must renew my sub, wear flowers in my hair and read the mag conspicuously in the train (ref. to last night's ABC Book Club here). Girly nerds rule! Lucy

  9. Erm, no one is going to believe this, but the witty remark about Steve Irwin was MINE, ALL MINE.

    Obviously I forgot to fill in my details correctly.

    Hope your paper cut heals proper PC. They DO hurt.

  10. No, 'twas I made the witty Steve Irwin remark! But I was cruelly robbed of the credit by blogger-wordpress changeover shenanigans!

    Nice try though, Naomi ;)

  11. No, it was I! Cruelly robbed by the shenanigans of the so-called better blogger.

    Word verification all in those tight squeezy letters: twasthirdcatreallytwas

  12. Why do I have to have a Blogger account before I can trackyouback?


  13. /me looks down.

    Oh. That was clever.

    Nothing to see here, move along please.

  14. Hmm, Black Knight ... Aren't you the one who stands on a hilltop with all his arms and legs cut off shouting 'Come back here and fight, you cowards!'?

    I enjoyed the blood thingy you linked to. I remember most of it from Matric Biology, but a little refresher course is always good.

    Sorry about the trackback. I use blogger because it's easy and free and I am a technophobic tightwad.

  15. Something like that. It's often how I feel about my experiments.

    Aren't you the one who rings the bell and makes Eddie Izzard's Welsh Pavlov eat the dogfood?

    Don't fret about the trackback thing. Oh you weren't. As you were.

  16. I'm Steve Irwin.

    ... no, sorry, Harry's Steve Irwin.

    I'm Batman.


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