Friday, July 21, 2006

The important things in life

Pausing only to point out that yes I do know what's happening in the world, and no, I don't think that anything I have to say will help, I'm going to move right along to something uplifting: Ampersand Duck's Five Things Meme!

In my handbag

* Spare car key (for when I lock myself out of the car, which I do more frequently than I would like)
* Industrial strength painkillers
* Small tube of Prescriptives concealer, of a shade matched to my skin tone, which you can't get any more in Adders since they downscaled DJs and pretended it was an upgrade
* Superfine black pen
* Three different pairs of prescription glasses, which is what happens when you can't tolerate either glare or graduated lenses

In my fridge

* Tulip bulbs (deep-burgundy-to-black) I should have planted ages ago
* Brussels sprouts I should have eaten ages ago (I like Brussels sprouts, it's just an oversight)
* Half a bottle each of Brown Brothers Pinot Grigio and Fox Creek Semillon/Sauvignon Blanc
* Half a jar of Yackandandah Morello Sour Cherry jam
* Half a lemon

In my closet (except that what I have is more properly called a wardrobe)

* A beautiful Indonesian paper parasol I don't have room to display, and Chinese fan ditto
* A bronze, silver and black scarf/shawl, figured velvet on gossamer-weight black silk georgette with a silk fringe, that I bought in Vienna
* A leather jacket of very soft matte black with a silk lining that I bought many years and far too many kilos ago and cannot bear to get rid of
* Some black fingerless mittens knitted for me by my mum
* Possibly a ratbag tortoiseshell cat, depending

In my car

* A small bottle of Jurlique rose refresher spray
* Three boxes of books I keep meaning to take to the second-hand man
* A Red Cross first aid kit
* A straw hat
* A brown, cream and black plaid woollen blanket with fringes

In my bathroom cabinet

Four different kinds of hair 'product', none of which is satisfactory
Five pairs of nail scissors, yes it's a mystery to me too
Tea tree oil
Chanel No. 5
A packet of band-aids with cartoon characters on them


  1. Ha! I forgot to mention the character band-aids. I have them in the car and the bathroom cabinet. Dunno why, Bumblebee thinks bandaids are exotic even without the pictures. I used to be teased for turning up at work with Wiggles on my fingers. Now it's more likely to be Duelmasters or Harry Potter.

  2. I just did this meme and said the same thing about 'closet' and it seems we're all band-aid tragics.

  3. Interesting, about the band-aids. I was once advised by a man with three children that the absolutely best thing you could give a two-year-old was her or his very own box of band-aids, so I improved on this and bought a box of novelty ones for small visitors. And it's been a habit ever since to have them in the house.

  4. Oh, you'd be a firm favorite of children with that policy!

  5. I find a roll of sticky tape works just as well (for the kiddies, I mean).


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