Monday, July 31, 2006

Depends what you mean by 'f*cked'

Actor, alcoholic, devout Catholic and vicious anti-Semite Mel Gibson is reported to have said, after being arrested over the weekend for drunk driving, 'My life is f*cked.'

I dunno, Mel, I think your life was probably f*cked already.


  1. wow, this is the first piece of news i have heard about him for quite a while....

  2. Oh, horrid man. Did you see the image used by the media (well, at least the papers I read)? He looked like Saddam Hussein after being pulled from his bolthole. Maybe his long-suffering wife is hauling him over the coals...

  3. He looked like Saddam Hussein after being pulled from his bolthole.

    Most impressive bit of doing the maths there, Ms Duck, that is exactly what he looked like and now I can stop trying to work what I was reminded of.


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