Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Weatherpixie, Adelaide, 7.50 pm

At the moment, the Weatherpixie's wearing warm socks and a Fair Isle jumper and behind her there's a clear sky full of stars, with a cold white almost-full moon. The temperature is 7 degrees Celsius and falling fast. I feel cold just looking at her. Every heater in this house is on, and it still isn't enough.


  1. Brrr! I'm the same here. My home office is at the back corner of my house, the one with the least sunlight and two walls to the frost. I've got the heater on, to no avail. I'm thinking of getting my gloves out but it would hamper my typing too much.

    It was -4 when I got out of bed this morning! Yesterday it was -1 at 9am! Still, better than summer any day. I'd rather be cold than hot.

  2. Oh yes, it gets colder in Canberra than it ever does in Adders -- but I'm not used to it being this cold here. And I feel it more than I used to, too.

    And the lime tree is so not happy.

  3. two cats = one draped over each shoulder? Madam & Poppet don't drape?

  4. They do indeed drape, Poppet across my lap and Madam around my shoulders like a fox fur, but only one at a time. Otherwise if I am sitting on sofa or in armchair, they sit and guard me, one on either side, like Chinese temple dogs.

  5. You should know that with my browser -- IE 6 -- your right-hand column has been pushed down to the bottom of the main column. So your Weatherpixie is not visible at the top of the page. Maybe some work is in order. Just thought you'd like to know :)

  6. Dean, thanks for the feedback. If I knew squat about the finer points, I would willingly sharpen them. Unfortunately in my case any tinkering would only make everything much worse.

  7. Just got back from a wee motorcycling holiday to find all my precious herbs have died from frost!!

    Poor herbs. No wonder I'm not allowed to get a pet.

  8. Hey Dean, try firefox. It's much better than IE, and safer too.

    And yeah, it's fooking freezing in Canberra. Every year I'm sure it wasn't this cold last year.

  9. Hello Miss Pavlov's Cat, it's cold in Melbourne too, but red hot in Bacchus Marsh since Miss Brownie moved in. She's been in the local paper every week. Her and her cat both got arrested last Tuesday for indecent language and assault. Seems they just have to learn it's not nice to rough up the Mayor in the local bottleshop.
    Good heavens. You'd think the cat would know better.

  10. As I post, it's meant to be 10'C down your way and your Weatherpixie is wearing fishnet long-sleeves. What is she, a mutant waiting to be recruited by Professor Xavier?

    And why doesn't my Weatherpixie ever get visited by a cat?

  11. La Weatherpixie is WeatherGirl 9, who has a cat. Not all of them do. One of them has a cat and a puppy who come and go in shifts. As for the fishnet sleeves, I too am bemused. Still, Melburnians like to eat at sidewalk cafe tables getting poisoned by the traffic fumes and knocked out by the hailstones. There's madness everywhere.


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