Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The wisdom of age

I've just had one of those circulating e-mails from a friend, along 'Things I've learned in life' lines. Here are three highlights I think are particularly accurate.

** Depression is just anger without the enthusiasm.

** Artifical intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

** Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.


  1. "You learn something new everyday - you can't avoid it."


  2. Depression is anger overwhelmed by timidity. Is for me, anyway.
    - barista

  3. Timidity? Surely not.

    For me it's anger at myself -- anger with nowhere to go and nothing to be done about it, and the dishes have to be done regardless.

  4. The whiter the grout, the blacker the mind. And vice versa.


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