Tuesday, May 16, 2006

But it's only dress-ups ...

From crikey.com.au in their 'Unsubstantiated Tips and Rumours' section today:

'One of my girls goes to school with the daughter of a senior federal cabinet minister. I was quite horrified to hear she was holding a fancy dress party where all of the guests were to come dressed as homeless people. Considering that most homeless people are either mentally ill or drug dependent, I would have thought that the minister would have been a little more sensitive to their plight.'

Come back, Prince Harry in your Nazi clobber, you comparatively sensitive poppet, you. All is forgiven.

So ... Which senior federal cabinet minister(s) has/have school-age daughters?


  1. Move over J'Amie, this politicians' daughter knows how to appear cool and hot at the same time!

  2. Brendan Nelson definitely has a teenage daughter. I think though that she may be at uni...

  3. I feel sorry for the pollie.

    Why should they be able to control what sort of party teenage daughters (or sons) have when no one else can?

  4. I dunno fxh. Who's ponying up the dough for this party?

  5. Tigtog, good point. C'mon FXH, you're being too nice. If they'd brung 'er up right, she wouldn't have wanted to do anything so utterly brainless, offensive, insensitive and generally Hooray Henry in the first place.


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