Friday, April 21, 2006

Whatever gets you through it

I've got a long, challenging and more than usually heterogeneous agenda today, which is why I'm sitting here cowering blogging instead of getting on with it. I'm going to need a little help.



Lottery win?

Prescription drugs?

Yes, they'd all be good. But here, after some consideration, is today's little helper of choice:


  1. Just click your heels three times...

  2. you went for the acid, right?

  3. Both of those. Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas any more.

  4. I wish I'd seen this earlier today.

    My method of coping was to quit my job.

    Which of course means I am just transferring to a new one. I hope they let me have at least 10 blogging minutes per hour.

    Must read fine print of AWA...

  5. Just remember PC (do you mind if I call you PC btw?) that too much coffee does more harm than good.

    I can't comment on the acid. I live a dreary, non-experimental life.

  6. PC is fine with me if TC is fine with you, or maybe 3C? I do enjoy the self-self-referential ironies of being called PC and having the idiot right-wing boys completely miss the point, I must say. Acid? Surely you jest -- even just one extra coffee is enough to make me feel ill these days. I can't believe what I used to be able to tolerate in the way of stimulants in my yoof.

    csh, I hope this was a considered decision. Or maybe not. Life's short, go wild.

  7. Oh don't worry, I'm just swapping one obscure corner of the public service for another...

  8. Yes, PC is very cool that way. Trust you got everything done.

  9. When I first opened up the page it hadn't rendered completely from the white to pink or whatever it does and I scanned:

    "I've got a bong, challenging and more than usual .."

    I just stopped and went away to read somewhere else.. I've just got back and read it properly.


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