Sunday, March 19, 2006

Yet another irresistible personality test

I found this very detailed and interesting test at Pat the Chooks. Very nice to be told I'm an Attentive Creator, even if I can think of a number of people who would snort at the very thought.


  1. Attentive creator? Is that all it said? And after all those questions!
    Well what can you expect from something that's free. Real praise costs dough. When I want a big spiel I visit my clairvoyant. Since putting her fees up she's been saying enormous wonderful things about me. And it's very accurate; all true. She's gifted that way. Last week I saw her yelling at a woman in the street.
    "Bullshit artist." That's what she called her.
    Well golly me, but she'd know.

  2. No, there was lots more than that. I put the test up because I thought other people might enjoy doing it.

    I too am a bullshit artist and have no need to be told as much by a stranger in the street, clairvoyant or otherwise. (Wait a minute. If she's a clairvoyant, surely she should have been telling the woman that she will be a bullshit artist.)

    I don't need praise badly enough to be willing to pay for it. Yet. Give me a few more years and then ask me again.

  3. Well as I understand it clairvoyants also tell you what you are. And you're always wonderful.


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