Monday, March 27, 2006

The fab things you find on other people's blogs

I have Quirkie to thank for this new Weatherpixie in the sidebar.

Time, temperature, humidity, barometer, wind speed and direction, rain-or-shine and night-or-day graphics as given here are all indicative of conditions at the spiffy new Adelaide Airport, 20 minutes more or less south of my house. What you see is pretty much what I'm getting, including the underfoot cat. (The tortoiseshells, considerately, tend to get underfoot in shifts rather than together.) Even the hair is more or less right.

So she's 25 years younger than me. Pffft.

UPDATE: When the image updates itself, the cat comes and goes. As in life.


  1. I am.

    *Hides from ravening hordes of Mac-scorners*

  2. Funny you should mention it, because I was going to say that I was protecting my newly wounded and gauze-packed head with my arms as I cowered in fear, but I decided I didn't want to frighten away any innocent punter who might have wandered in from some other place than the LP arena.

    I can't hear any rain, but I assume it's on its way. Certainly bucketed down last night.

  3. I still can't win Bazlotto.

  4. I like your bag very much, and also your umbrella.

    Re last night's buckets: I discovered my roof leaks. If it's not one thing...

  5. The umbrella's gone! You sure do a quick change.

  6. Tell ya what, if I really looked even remotely like that little fox I'd be out hitting the bars, not home blogging.

    My roof also is in urgent need of help. Actually I think it's just the rusty bit of guttering with the rampant vine growing along it.

    That was a noice umbrella I had a while ago. I think the airport does a weather update every half-hour, so I haven't seen her/my full wardrobe yet.

  7. Looks very much like you're holding an orange ibook today.

  8. I wish.

    Not that I want to insult the trusty eMac in any way. Economy model eMac 2004, economy model iMac 1999 before that, and never a cross word.

    For me, a computer is just a lovely big clever typewriter with pictures.

  9. Mac users unite! I love my Mac. I've got a G4 that is taking years to pay off and increasing its obsolescence daily, but it's a sturdy workhorse and much appreciated for its un-PC qualities (like lack of viruses).

    If I got a weather pixie like that it would never get to use an umbrella. Canberra has forgotten what heavy rain looks like.

  10. PC, I am worried that you are not wearing a jumper. I have just got in, and it is a bit to chilly for just a t-shirt. IMHO.

  11. To judge by the facial expression, ThirdCat, I am feeling no pain. Thank you for your kind concern, though.

    Yes, A.Duck, the freedom from viruses and all such-like invaders is huge. Let us hope the sociopaths continue to target only the majority.

  12. You should have seen her the other night ThirdCat - spaghetti straps and asymetrical hemline - it looked like she was going Dancing with the Stars!

  13. I won't hear a word against Dancing With the Stars, unless it's about Darryl Somers. Did you see the ex-ballroom blonde hostess (can't remember her name, the one who talks to the contestants in the green room afterwards) put Todd McKenney in his place last night about heel leads in the samba? Hah.

  14. Hi, Pavlov's Cat! I love the weatherpixie and have totally jumped on the bandwagon.

    I've so far been avoiding the LP Freud thread, but I think I might go make a strong cuppa, pull on the gumboots and wade right in for some lurking.


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